One Piece: 15 Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked

One Piece 15 Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked

Welcome to the world of Devil Fruits, where the impossible becomes possible. These mysterious fruits grant extraordinary abilities to those who consume them but at a price. Paramecia Devil Fruits are among the most powerful, with users possessing a wide range of abilities. In this article, we’ll be ranking the top 15 strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits in the One Piece universe. From the ability to manipulate time to the ability to transform into any substance, these fruits are truly awe-inspiring. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Paramecia Devil Fruits and discover the most formidable ones.

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Top 15 Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked

1. Gura Gura no Mi

  • English Name: Tremor-Tremor Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Whitebeard (Previously), Blackbeard (Currently)

The Gura Gura no Mi is undoubtedly one of the strongest Paramecia devil fruits ever seen in the world of One Piece. Its power to create devastating earthquakes and shockwaves is unmatched and has earned it a reputation as the most destructive devil fruit of all time.
Gura Gura no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked
In fact, even Marine Admiral Sengoku has acknowledged the potential of this demon fruit to cause worldwide destruction. Its ability to produce earthquakes and shockwaves that can travel through any medium is truly terrifying.

But the Gura Gura no Mi is not just a weapon of mass destruction. Its user can also employ seismic tactics in hand-to-hand combat, making it an excellent offensive tool. This is why it is considered one of the best devil fruits in existence, with unmatched offensive power.

One of the most famous users of the Gura Gura no Mi was Whitebeard, who earned the title of “Strongest Man in the World” thanks to its power. With this devil fruit, he was able to rival the Pirate King Roger, demonstrating the true potential of this paramecia-type devil fruit.

Whitebeard’s ultimate powers were showcased during the Marineford arc, where he used the Gura Gura no Mi to devastating effect. His ability to create earthquakes and shockwaves was so powerful that it shook the very foundations of the Marineford fortress and caused massive destruction.

In the world of One Piece, the Gura Gura no Mi is undoubtedly one of the best paramecia devil fruits out there, and its power is unmatched. Its ability to create earthquakes and shockwaves makes it an excellent offensive tool, and its devastating potential has earned it a reputation as the strongest Paramecia devil fruit ranked in the One Piece universe.

2. Ope Ope no Mi

  • English Name: Op-Op Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Trafalgar D. Water Law

One Piece fans know that devil fruits are a crucial aspect of the series. These fruits grant supernatural abilities to those who consume them, making them a valuable commodity in the world of pirates. Among the many devil fruits that exist, the Paramecia type is perhaps the most versatile, with users possessing unique and diverse powers. In this article, we will discuss the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits ranked, and the best Paramecia devil fruits in the One Piece world.
Ope Ope no Mi
Coming in second on this list is Trafalgar Law’s Ope Ope no Mi, which is undoubtedly the most versatile devil fruit in the One Piece world. This devil fruit has a unique ability not found in any other devil fruit, which is the power to grant another person everlasting youth in return for the devil fruit user’s own life. This is an incredibly powerful ability and one that makes the Ope Ope no Mi a valuable asset for any pirate.

In addition to its unique power, the Ope Ope no Mi also has a variety of other abilities. This fruit’s powers include the ability to construct a dome area called “Room” and to freely control everything or anybody inside of it like a surgeon. This ability is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of situations. Furthermore, Trafalgar Law’s medical knowledge also benefited him in making the most of this devil fruit’s abilities in every situation.

One of the most impressive things about Trafalgar Law is that he has mastered the Ope Ope no Mi’s powers and succeeded in awakening its true powers. He can pull off miracles and cure incurable illnesses with the powers of this devil fruit. It is no wonder that the Marines were after this devil fruit, willing to give 5,000,000,000 Berries to obtain it.

3. Nikyu Nikyu no Mi

  • English Name: Paw-Paw Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Bartholomew Kuma

The world of One Piece is full of unique and powerful devil fruits, and the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi is no exception. This Paramecia-type devil fruit, recently showcased in the manga, has secured its spot as one of the strongest and best paramecia devil fruits out there. Let’s take a closer look at its powers and why it’s so highly ranked among fans.

The Nikyu Nikyu no Mi grants the user the ability to repel “anything” with their hands, which resemble the paws of a cat or dog. This power may sound harmless due to its kawaii appearance but don’t be fooled. The user can use their hands to obliterate anyone or anything that comes their way. This power can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes, making it a versatile and formidable tool in battle.

One of the unique aspects of this devil fruit is its ability to store intangible things like pain, memories, and even devil fruit powers. This makes it a valuable asset for any user who wants to access hidden information or gain an advantage over their opponents. The more creative the user is with this power, the more they can utilize it to pull off impossible feats.

Fans of One Piece have long debated which devil fruits are the strongest and most useful. With the introduction of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, it has secured its spot among the best paramecia devil fruits. Its versatility in both offense and defense, as well as its ability to store intangible things, makes it a valuable asset for any user.

4. Zushi Zushi no Mi

  • English Name: Press-Press Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Fujitora

When it comes to the world of One Piece, devil fruits are some of the most essential and highly coveted items. With their unique abilities and powers, devil fruits can make a significant difference in any battle. Among the various types of devil fruits, Paramecia devil fruits are the most common type that grants the user unique abilities. And among the best Paramecia devil fruits, Fujitora’s Zushi Zushi no Mi is considered one of the strongest.
Zushi Zushi no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked
This devil fruit is highly underrated due to its limited screen time in anime and manga, but it is undoubtedly one of the deadliest and most dangerous devil fruits out there. The Zushi Zushi no Mi allows the user to manipulate and control gravitational forces, making it a truly terrifying power in the wrong hands. The user can create a telekinetic-like effect, allowing them to push objects and people or levitate them in mid-air. The user can also control the gravity around them, enabling them to move and jump around with incredible speed and agility.

However, the most impressive ability of the Zushi Zushi no Mi is the power to summon meteors from the sky. The user can utilize this power to obliterate anyone or anything in their path, making them an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. The true potential of this devil fruit’s powers is yet to be seen, but it is undoubtedly one of the most formidable Paramecia devil fruits out there.

In the world of One Piece, devil fruits play a crucial role in determining the strength of a character. The Zushi Zushi no Mi is undoubtedly one of the best Paramecia devil fruits, and its powers can make a significant difference in any battle. It’s no wonder that Fujitora, the user of this devil fruit, is considered one of the strongest characters in the series.

5. Jiki Jiki no Mi

  • English Name: Magnet-Magnet Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Eustass Kid

Jiki Jiki no Mi is undeniably one of the best paramecia devil fruits in the One Piece universe. The user of this devil fruit can generate and manipulate magnetic fields to attract or repel any metal objects surrounding them. This power can be very destructive, especially when the user has attained full mastery of it.
Jiki Jiki no Mi
Kid is one of the notable users of Jiki Jiki no Mi. He has achieved the awakening of his devil fruit, which enables him to transform anything, including non-metallic objects, into a magnet. This ability makes him one of the strongest paramecia devil fruit users in the One Piece world. He has proven his power by defeating Big Mom alongside Law and even challenging Shanks, one of the four emperors.

In the list of strongest paramecia devil fruits ranked, Jiki Jiki no Mi is undoubtedly one of the top contenders. The power of attraction and repulsion that this devil fruit offers is formidable and can be used in many ways, including defense and offense. However, it requires a high level of mastery to utilize to its full potential.

Although Kid suffered a defeat at the hands of Shanks, the red hair pirate acknowledged the power of Kid’s attack, which could have resulted in the total destruction of the people. Kid’s situation after this defeat is unknown, but his reputation as one of the strongest paramecia devil fruit users remains intact.

In conclusion, Jiki Jiki no Mi is undoubtedly one of the best paramecia devil fruits in the One Piece universe. Kid’s mastery of this devil fruit has made him one of the strongest paramecia devil fruit users in the world. The power of attraction and repulsion that this devil fruit offers are formidable, and it has the potential to cause massive destruction if not handled with care.

6. Ito Ito no Mi

  • English Name: String-String Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Donquixote Doflamingo

The One Piece universe is filled with all sorts of strange and fascinating devil fruits, each with its own unique abilities and powers. Of all the devil fruits out there, one of the most malevolent has to be the Ito Ito no Mi, which is wielded by the infamous Doflamingo.

This devil fruit grants its user the ability to create and control strings at will, and the resulting threads are incredibly sharp, capable of slicing through just about anything, including buildings, meteorites, and even people. The damage that these strings can inflict on human flesh is truly gruesome and not for the faint of heart.

But the real power of the Ito Ito no Mi lies in its ability to turn Doflamingo into a puppet master, allowing him to control people like marionettes with his strings. He can also attach these strings to clouds and use them to fly across the seas, making him a truly formidable opponent for anyone who dares to cross his path.

In a world filled with powerful devil fruits, the Ito Ito no Mi ranks among the very best of the best. In fact, it’s widely considered to be one of the strongest Paramecia devil fruits out there, thanks to its incredible versatility and destructive power.

Of course, there are plenty of other amazing Paramecia devil fruits out there as well. Some of the best paramecia devil fruits include the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which grants the user the ability to stretch their body like rubber, and the Mera Mera no Mi, which allows the user to control fire at will.

7. Hobi Hobi no Mi

  • English Name: Hobby-Hobby Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Sugar

Hobi Hobi no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked
The world of One Piece is full of unique and powerful devil fruits that grant their users incredible abilities. One such devil fruit is the Hobi Hobi no Mi, which belongs to the notorious pirate, Sugar. Despite lacking offensive combat powers, this devil fruit is considered one of the strongest paramecia devil fruits ever.

The Hobi Hobi no Mi’s primary ability is to instantly transform anyone into a toy, making them a slave to the user. This power is so potent that it can allow the user to take over an entire island by turning its inhabitants into toys and brainwashing them. The memory of those who become toys is also removed from the minds of anyone who knew them, making them entirely forgettable.

While this devil fruit’s powers may seem like curses, they come with some incredible abilities. The user of the Hobi Hobi no Mi gains immortality and the gift of youth. These powers may not be useful in battle, but they are incredibly handy in defensive situations.

When it comes to the strongest paramecia devil fruits ranked, the Hobi Hobi no Mi undoubtedly secures a spot. Its ability to manipulate memories and turn people into toys is a power that few other devil fruits can match. While there are many great paramecia devil fruits out there, the Hobi Hobi no Mi is undoubtedly one of the best.

8. Soru Soru no Mi

  • English Name: Soul-Soul Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Carmel (Previous User). Charlotte Linlin (Current User)

Soru Soru no Mi
Are you a big fan of One Piece? Have you ever heard of the Soru Soru no Mi, one of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits ranked in the anime? If not, then you’re in for a treat. This devil fruit is wielded by none other than Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors in the One Piece world.

The Soru Soru no Mi grants its user the ability to take the souls of those who are fearful. The amount of souls taken is solely dependent on the user’s decision, which can range from years to just a few minutes. However, this ability can be nullified by individuals who possess no fear. While this may seem like a weakness, there are several other powers that come with this devil fruit.

One of the most significant abilities granted by the Soru Soru no Mi is the power to give life to both living and non-living things using the souls that have been stolen. Big Mom has used this power to create Homies, which are living beings that serve her. These include her sword Napolean, Zeus, Queen Mama Chanter pirate ship in One Piece, and many more. With this fearsome power, Big Mom has commanded the oceans and has risen to the position of Emperor of the Seas.

Moreover, Big Mom can even create an army using this devil fruit’s power, making her one of the most formidable opponents in the One Piece universe. Her Homies are more than just soulless beings, as they possess their own personalities and have been shown to be incredibly loyal to their creator. This indicates that one should not underestimate the power of the Soru Soru no Mi.

9. Doku Doku no Mi

  • English Name: Venom-Venom Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Magellan

The world of One Piece is filled with devil fruits that give unique and incredible abilities to their users. Among these devil fruits is the Doku Doku no Mi, a paramecia type that holds one of the most potent and dangerous powers in the series.

The Doku Doku no Mi, also known as the Poison Poison Fruit, allows the user to produce and control any kind of poison found on the planet. This means that the user can create a wide range of poisons, including deadly and lethal ones. If the opponent doesn’t have an antidote, it could mean instant death for them.
Doku Doku no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked
This devil fruit’s powers have often been compared to those of a logia-type fruit, but it is, in fact, a paramecia. The user of the Doku Doku no Mi is immune to all kinds of poison, which gives them an advantage over their enemies. This power was showcased in the series when Magellan, one of the characters in The Impel Down, rose up to be one of the strongest characters with these powers.

The Doku Doku no Mi is undoubtedly one of the best paramecia devil fruits in the One Piece universe. Its unique and deadly powers make it one of the most feared devil fruits out there. The user can quickly destroy and kill all enemies in their way with the power of poison, making it a powerful tool in any battle.

In the world of One Piece, the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits are often ranked based on their powers and abilities. The Doku Doku no Mi undoubtedly deserves to be on that list. Its ability to control and produce any poison is a power that can be used in various ways, making it a versatile tool in any situation.

10. Kage Kage no Mi

  • English Name: Shadow-Shadow Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Gecko Moria

The Kage Kage no Mi is one of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits ranked in the world of One Piece. Its ability to control shadows and create zombies is not only unique but also incredibly powerful. The user gains the ability to steal the shadows of living beings and plant them inside a dead body, thus creating a zombie with all the powers and abilities of the original owner.
Kage Kage no Mi
This devil fruit is considered one of the best Paramecia devil fruits because of its versatility. The user can manipulate their own shadow to move around and attack opponents. They can also create a shadow clone of themselves to confuse and distract their enemies. The user can even use their power to make themselves invisible by erasing their own shadow.

But the real power of the Kage Kage no Mi lies in its ability to collect all the shadows in an area and create a giant shadow form of its own. This massive shadow creature can be used to attack opponents with incredible strength and speed, making it nearly impossible to defeat.

However, the major drawback of this devil fruit is that if the zombie created from the shadow is defeated, the original owner of the shadow is returned to their body. This can leave the user vulnerable if they lose control of their zombies during battle.

11. Mochi Mochi no Mi

  • English Name: Mochi-Mochi Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Charlotte Katakuri

Mochi Mochi no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, RankedThe Mochi Mochi no Mi devil fruit is one of the best paramecia devil fruits out there. This unique devil fruit allows the user to transform entirely into mochi, a Japanese rice cake, and manufacture it at will. While it may not seem like the most potent devil fruit power on paper, Katakuri has expertly displayed the capabilities of this devil fruit, making it one of the strongest paramecia devil fruits ranked in the One Piece universe.

Despite being a paramecia devil fruit, the mochi powers are logia-like, making it the only special paramecia devil fruit in One Piece. This unique ability gives the user an edge in creating walls, traps, and more. The mochi can also be hardened with Haki, making it even more potent in battle.

Katakuri, who has already awakened this devil fruit, gave Straw Hat Pirate leader Luffy a tough time and remained undefeated before meeting him. This tells us a lot about the effectiveness of this devil fruit’s powers.

The Mochi Mochi no Mi devil fruit is undoubtedly one of the best paramecia devil fruits out there. Its unique abilities allow the user to come up with different strategies for attacking their opponents, making it one of the strongest paramecia devil fruits ranked in the One Piece universe.

12. Hana Hana no Mi

  • English Name: Flower-Flower Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Nico Robin

Have you ever heard of the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit? It is one of the most unique and versatile paramecia devil fruits in the world of One Piece. With the ability to sprout clones of body parts and even the whole body, this devil fruit is a force to be reckoned with.

In fact, the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit has been ranked as one of the strongest paramecia devil fruits in the One Piece universe. And it’s no wonder why, with its creative and powerful abilities.
Hana Hana no Mi
Nico Robin, the archaeologist and former member of the Baroque Works organization, is the user of the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit. She has shown time and time again how skilled she is with her devil fruit powers. According to Robin herself, speed and strength mean nothing to her as she can render almost any foe into submission with ease using her Flower-Flower devil fruit.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit is the ability to create clones of body parts. This means that Robin can sprout extra arms and legs from any surface, giving her a huge advantage in combat. She can also create clones of her entire body, making it difficult for enemies to know which one is the real Robin.

But Robin’s abilities with her devil fruit don’t stop there. She has come up with a variety of versatile and devastating attacks. For example, she can use her powers to create a giant hand that can crush enemies or lift heavy objects. She can also create a wall of arms to protect herself from incoming attacks.

Of course, using the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit does have its drawbacks. When Robin sprouts clones of her body parts, her main body is left vulnerable. However, Robin is a smart and skilled fighter, and she is able to end fights before her enemies can even touch her.

13. Mero Mero no Mi

  • English Name: Love-Love Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Boa Hancock

Mero Mero no Mi - Strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, Ranked
Mero Mero no Mi is undoubtedly one of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits ranked in the One Piece universe. This devil fruit is known for its petrification powers that can be activated if an opponent feels love or lust toward the user. This powerful ability can also be activated through a physical attack from the user, turning the enemy into stone. The petrification can only be undone by the user and is permanent even if the user is killed and replaced by a new user.

One of the most popular users of Mero Mero no Mi is Boa Hancock. Boa is known for her godly beauty and charm, and anyone who lays eyes on her can easily fall in love with her. This makes it easier for her to use her devil fruit powers against her opponents. Boa has a range of attacks in her arsenal, making her a formidable opponent in any battle.

In the world of One Piece, there are many Paramecia Devil Fruits, but Mero Mero no Mi is certainly one of the best Paramecia Devil Fruits. Its unique ability to petrify opponents makes it a powerful weapon in the hands of the right user. This devil fruit has the potential to turn the tide of any battle and can be a game-changer in any situation.

14. Bari Bari no Mi

  • English Name: Barrier-Barrier Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Bartolomeo

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a superpower that allows you to create impenetrable barriers? Well, wonder no more because the Bari Bari no Mi Devil Fruit gives its user just that! This Paramecia-type Devil Fruit is considered one of the best due to its unique abilities and its versatile use in both defense and offense.

The Bari Bari no Mi is considered one of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits ranked among the best for its defensive capabilities. The user can create barriers of any shape or size, making it a perfect defense against any kind of attack. These barriers are incredibly durable and withstand even the most powerful blows and slashes, making it nearly impossible for any enemy to penetrate them.

But the usefulness of the Bari Bari no Mi doesn’t stop at defense. The user can also use the barriers to attack their enemies. The same barriers that protect the user can also be used to push or shatter against enemies. This makes the Bari Bari no Mi a versatile fruit that can be used for both defense and offense.

The current user of the Bari Bari no Mi is Bartolomeo, who is known for being the biggest fan of the Straw Hat Pirates. We got to see the powers of the Bari Bari no Mi in action during the Dressrosa arc, where Bartolomeo used his barriers to protect himself and his allies.

15. Bara Bara no Mi

  • English Name: Chop-Chop Fruit
  • Devil Fruit User: Buggy

Bara Bara no MiBara Bara no Mi is one of the best Paramecia devil fruits in One Piece. The first time we saw this devil fruit in use was by Buggy the Clown, a former member of the Roger Pirates. Although it may seem like a funny and weak devil fruit at first glance, it is actually one of the strongest devil fruits in the series.

The abilities of the Bara Bara no Mi devil fruit are unique and powerful. The user has the ability to cut their body into many pieces and control each piece at will. This makes the user practically immune to physical attacks like slicing and cutting. With this power, the user can easily dodge attacks and can even reassemble their body parts to avoid fatal injuries.

Furthermore, if Buggy was able to awaken his devil fruit, he would become an even more dangerous foe. The power to cut the surroundings into any shape the user desires would be a force to be reckoned with. Right now, Buggy is just a comic relief character, but with the full potential of his devil fruit, he could become one of the strongest villains in One Piece.

In the ranking of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, the Bara Bara no Mi would definitely be in the top 10. Its unique abilities make it a powerful asset to whoever possesses it. The best paramecia devil fruits are the ones that are able to give the user an advantage in combat, and the Bara Bara no Mi does just that.


In conclusion, the world of One Piece is filled with countless powerful Devil Fruits, and the Paramecia class is no exception. From the rubber-like abilities of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Mi to the reality-warping powers of the Ope Ope no Mi, these fruits have proven to be game-changers in battles and beyond. While there may be some debate as to the exact ranking of the strongest Paramecia Devil Fruits, the 15 fruits on this list have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the series and its fans. Whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer to One Piece, these fruits are sure to captivate and inspire you with their unique abilities and fascinating backstories.

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