Top 15 Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked

Top 15 Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked

In the world of anime, One Piece has been a fan favorite for over two decades. With its unique characters and engaging storyline, it has managed to capture the hearts of millions. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the series is its diverse cast of female characters. From fierce warriors to cunning strategists, these women have proven time and time again that they are just as strong, if not stronger than their male counterparts. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at some of the strongest One Piece female characters and ranking from strongest to weakest. So sit back, grab some snacks, and get ready to dive into the world of One Piece!

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Top 15 Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked

1. Big Mom

Big Mom is undeniably one of the strongest One Piece female characters and also one of the most terrifying antagonists in the series. As one of the Yonko, Big Mom’s strength and power are unmatched by most in the One Piece universe. She was the main antagonist of the Whole Cake Island arc and left Luffy and his crew flabbergasted with her monstrous strength.
Big Mom - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
What makes Big Mom so formidable is her ability to use the Soru Soru no Mi, a paramecia-type devil fruit. With this power, Big Mom can steal the souls of her people and breathe life into inanimate objects. This ability allows her to create an army of homies, which are living objects that obey her every command. These homes can range from anything, including living trees, doors, and even candy.

Big Mom’s strength doesn’t end there. She can also use her own lifespan to further bolster her power, making her virtually unbeatable to most enemies. This power is so dangerous that it can even take the life of those around her. In the Whole Cake Island arc, Big Mom was able to take the lifespan of her own son, which is a testament to her strength and willingness to do anything to achieve her goals.

Despite being one of the most terrifying villains in One Piece, Big Mom is also one of the best female characters in One Piece. She is a complex character, with a rich backstory, and a unique personality that is both terrifying and endearing. Her love for sweets and her family makes her relatable in some ways, while her brutal methods of achieving her goals make her a force to be reckoned with.

2. Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock
Boa Hancock is undoubtedly one of the strongest One Piece female characters. Her beauty, strength, and unique abilities have made her one of the best female characters in One Piece. The captain of the Kuja Pirates and the Empress of Amazon Lily, Boa Hancock is a force to be reckoned with.

After her first voyage, Boa Hancock was offered the position of a Shichibukai, a testament to her strength and abilities at a very young age. She is one of the few characters in the One Piece universe who can use all three types of Haki, an impressive feat that only a handful of characters can achieve.

Boa Hancock’s devil fruit ability, the Mero Mero no Mi, is highly underrated yet extremely devastating. With just a touch, she can turn any person or object into stone, making it almost impossible to counter her ability. Only a few characters have fought against Boa Hancock and survived to tell the tale.

Aside from her immense strength and abilities, Boa Hancock is also one of the best female characters in One Piece due to her strong personality and unwavering determination. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, she never backs down and always fights for what she believes in.

3. Nico Robin

Nico Robin is one of the strongest and most fascinating female characters in the popular manga and anime series, One Piece. Formerly an assassin for Baroque Works, Robin has come a long way and is now a vital member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Her incredible physical strength and mental fortitude make her one of the strongest One Piece female characters to date.
Nico Robin - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
As a child, Robin had to constantly run away from various homes as everyone wanted to hand her over to the World Government. This difficult upbringing taught her to rely only on herself, and she developed a strong sense of independence and self-reliance. Her determination and perseverance have helped her survive in a world that is often cruel and unforgiving.

One of the most unique and powerful aspects of Robin’s abilities is her devil fruit, the Hana Hana no Mi. This paramecia-type devil fruit allows her to sprout limbs from any surface, including her own body. This ability allows her to create multiple copies of herself and attack her opponents from multiple angles. Her attacks are quick and powerful enough to restrain even the fearsome Hakuba.

After the time skip, Robin’s power has only increased, and she has proven to be a formidable opponent to some of the strongest characters in the series. In the Wano Country arc, Robin was able to defeat Black Maria, one of the Tobi Roppo, using her incredible strength and strategic thinking.

Nico Robin’s character is not just defined by her physical strength, but also by her intelligence and wit. She is able to think on her feet and come up with creative solutions to problems. Her vast knowledge of history and language makes her an invaluable asset to the Straw Hat Pirates.

4. Belo Betty

Are you a fan of One Piece? If yes, then you must have heard about the strongest One Piece female characters. Belo Betty, the East Army Commander of the Revolutionary Army, is one of the best female characters in One Piece. With a bounty of 457,000,000 beris, she is one of the strongest One Piece female characters.
Belo Betty
One of the reasons why Belo Betty is considered one of the best female characters in One Piece is because of her devil fruit ability. She ate the Kobu Kobu no Mi, a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows her to awaken the fighting spirit within people. With her power, she can turn ordinary people into powerful fighters. This ability makes her a valuable asset in any battle.

Belo Betty’s leadership skills are also impressive. She used her power to rally the citizens of Lulusia Kingdom to fight against the invading pirates. Her charismatic personality and motivational speeches inspired the people to fight for their freedom. Her ability to rally people makes her one of the strongest One Piece female characters.

In addition to her physical strength and leadership skills, Belo Betty is also intelligent. She is a strategic thinker and can come up with effective plans to defeat her enemies. Her intelligence and strategic thinking make her a valuable member of the Revolutionary Army.

One thing that sets Belo Betty apart from other female characters in One Piece is her strong sense of justice. She believes in fighting for what is right and protecting the weak. Her strong sense of justice is what makes her a beloved character among One Piece fans.

5. Jewelry Bonney

Jewelry Bonney is one of the strongest One Piece female characters, and she is undoubtedly one of the best female characters in One Piece. As a member of the Worst Generation, Bonney is a highly-skilled fighter who possesses an unnamed devil fruit that allows her to manipulate the age of other people.
Jewelry Bonney - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
Introduced in the Sabaody Archipelago arc, along with the rest of the super-rookies, Bonney quickly became a fan-favorite due to her unique powers and an intriguing backstory. Her devil fruit powers are particularly interesting, as they allow her to manipulate the age of anyone she touches. She can increase or decrease their age, which can have a variety of effects on her opponents.

The true power of Bonney’s devil fruit remains a mystery, and fans are eagerly anticipating the moment when it will be fully revealed. Some speculate that she may have the ability to reverse the aging process altogether, while others believe that she may be able to control time itself.

Aside from her devil fruit powers, Bonney is also a skilled fighter in her own right. She is capable of holding her own against some of the strongest characters in the One Piece universe, and she often surprises her opponents with her agility and cunning.

But what really sets Bonney apart from other female characters in One Piece is her personality. She is a strong, independent woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. She has a rebellious streak and a fierce determination that make her a force to be reckoned with.

6. Catarina Devon

Catarina Devon
Catarina Devon is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of many in the One Piece universe. She is the only female member of the notorious Blackbeard Pirates, making her stand out as one of the strongest One Piece female characters. Her reputation precedes her, and it’s not hard to see why. Catarina Devon was imprisoned in the lowest level of Impel Down, which is a feat that only the most notorious and dangerous pirates have achieved.

What makes Catarina Devon even more intriguing is her devil fruit ability. She ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune, which is a mythical zoan-type devil fruit. This devil fruit allows her to transform herself into other people, making her one of the best female characters in One Piece. Her ability to take on the appearance of others has proven to be a valuable asset to the Blackbeard Pirates, especially when it comes to deception and infiltration.

In fact, Catarina Devon used her devil fruit ability to fool Gecko Moria into thinking that Absalom was still alive. This shows just how cunning and intelligent she can be, making her a force to be reckoned with in the One Piece universe. Her ability to imitate others also makes her a formidable opponent in battle, as she can take on the appearance and abilities of those she is fighting against.

7. Black Maria

One Piece is filled with a colorful cast of characters, but some of the most captivating ones are the female characters. Among them is Black Maria, one of the Tobi Roppo, who stands out as one of the strongest female characters in One Piece.
Black Maria - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
With a bounty of 480,000,000 beris, Black Maria is a force to be reckoned with, and her abilities make her a formidable opponent. She ate the Kumo Kumo no Mo, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, an ancient zoan-type devil fruit, which allows her to transform into an ancient spider and its hybrid form. This gives her incredible strength and agility, making her a tough opponent to take down.

Black Maria’s strength is not just limited to her devil fruit powers. She is also a skilled fighter, capable of holding her own against some of the strongest characters in the series. In fact, she was able to put up a great fight against Robin, one of the Straw Hat crew’s strongest members.

What makes Black Maria even more interesting is her position as one of the Tobi Roppo. This elite group of six fighters serves under Kaido, the leader of the Beasts Pirates, and each member has a bounty of over 100,000,000 beris. Black Maria’s bounty is the second-highest among the Tobi Roppo, only surpassed by X Drake.

But Black Maria’s strength is not the only thing that makes her a compelling character. She is also one of the most unique characters in One Piece, with her spider-like appearance and mysterious demeanor. She is often seen lounging in her spider web, smoking a pipe, and playing music on her biwa, a traditional Japanese instrument.

8. Ulti

When it comes to the strongest female characters in One Piece, Ulti definitely deserves a spot on the list. As a member of the Tobi Roppo, Ulti possesses incredible strength and endurance that make her a formidable opponent to anyone who dares to cross her path.
One of Ulti’s biggest advantages is her devil fruit, the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus. This ancient zoan type devil fruit not only bolsters Ulti’s strength but also complements her fighting style perfectly. Ulti’s primary method of attack involves headbutting opponents, and with the sturdy head of a Pachycephalosaurus, she can cause some serious damage.

Ulti’s endurance is another impressive trait that sets her apart from others. She was able to withstand multiple hits from a Yonko and still keep fighting. Her incredible durability and resilience make her a tough opponent to take down.

Even Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece, considered Ulti a real threat and was ready to use his strongest gear against her. This alone speaks volumes about Ulti’s power and fighting abilities.

But what makes Ulti stand out, even more, is her personality. She is a fierce and confident warrior who doesn’t back down from a challenge. Her loyalty to her fellow Tobi Roppo members also shows that she has a softer side, making her a well-rounded and complex character.

9. Sugar

Sugar is a name that rings a bell in the mind of many One Piece fans. As a member of the Donquixote Pirates, she was a formidable opponent to the Straw Hat Pirates. What made her stand out was her unique ability to turn people into toys using the Hobi Hobi no Mi, a paramecia-type devil fruit. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Sugar, one of the strongest One Piece female characters, and one of the best female characters in One Piece.
Sugar - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
Sugar’s devil fruit powers are one of the most fearsome in the One Piece universe. She can transform anyone she touches into a toy, and erase the memories of their existence from everyone’s minds. This ability was instrumental in allowing Doflamingo to rule Dressrosa with an iron fist, as he was able to control the populace by turning anyone who opposed him into a toy. Sugar’s powers also granted her eternal youth, which made her an even more formidable foe.

Despite her young appearance, Sugar was a skilled fighter and a valuable member of the Donquixote Pirates. She was able to hold her own against some of the strongest characters in the series, including Luffy and Usopp. Her ability to turn people into toys also made her nearly invincible, as anyone who tried to attack her would forget her existence as soon as they looked away.

Sugar’s character design is also worth mentioning. Her appearance is that of a cute and innocent little girl, which makes her all the more terrifying when she reveals her true power. This contrast between her appearance and her abilities adds an extra layer of depth to her character, making her one of the most interesting villains in the series.

10. Charlotte Smoothie

If you’re a fan of One Piece, you know that the series is filled with strong female characters. And one of the strongest among them is Charlotte Smoothie, the Sweet General of the Big Mom Pirates.

Smoothie’s power comes from the Shibo Shibo no Mi, a Devil Fruit that allows her to drain liquid from any object, animate or inanimate. But that’s not all – she can also absorb the liquid into her own body and weapons, making them bigger and more powerful.

It’s a unique and formidable ability that has made Smoothie one of the best fighters on the Big Mom Pirates’ crew. In fact, she’s one of the strongest female characters in all of One Piece.

Smoothie’s strength doesn’t just come from her Devil Fruit power, though. She’s also a skilled fighter with years of experience in battle. Her tactical mind and sharp instincts have helped her survive many dangerous situations and emerge victorious.

But Smoothie isn’t just a powerful fighter – she’s also a complex and interesting character. As a member of the Big Mom Pirates, she’s loyal to her crew and will do whatever it takes to protect them. However, she’s not without her own ambitions and desires, which sometimes put her at odds with her fellow crew members.

Despite this, Smoothie remains one of the most respected and feared members of the Big Mom Pirates. Her power and skill in battle make her a force to be reckoned with, and her intelligence and cunning make her a valuable asset to any team.

11. Boa Marigold

Boa Marigold
Boa Marigold is one of the strongest female characters in One Piece. She is the youngest of the Gorgon sisters and possesses the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King Cobra devil fruit. This gives her the power to transform into a king cobra and its hybrid form, as well as spit venom at her enemies.

Marigold is known for her exceptional physical strength and agility, which she uses to her advantage in battle. Her ability to transform into a snake allows her to move quickly and strike from unexpected angles. Her venomous attacks are extremely dangerous, making her a formidable opponent.

While Marigold may not have the same level of skill as Ryou as some of the other characters in One Piece, her devil fruit powers more than make up for it. During the events at Amazon Lily, she was able to give Luffy a run for his money, proving that she is a force to be reckoned with.

Not only is Marigold one of the strongest female characters in One Piece, but she is also one of the best. Her cunning and strategic mind, combined with her physical abilities, make her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. She is a fierce protector of her people and will stop at nothing to defend them.

12. Perona

Perona is one of the strongest and best female characters in the One Piece anime. She served as a minor antagonist in the Thriller Bark arc and possesses the power of the Horo Horo no Mi, which is a paramecia-type devil fruit.
Perona - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
One of the main reasons why Perona is considered to be one of the best female characters in One Piece is because of her unique devil fruit ability. The Horo Horo no Mi allows Perona to create negative hollows that can make anyone who touches them feel negative about themselves. In some cases, they may even contemplate suicide. This ability makes her a formidable opponent, as there is no defense against it except if a person is already depressed.

Aside from her negative hollows, Perona can also create ghosts that explode on her command. This makes her a dangerous and unpredictable fighter. Her ability to create these ghosts also shows her creativity and resourcefulness in combat.

Perona’s strength doesn’t just come from her devil fruit ability, however. She is also a skilled fighter and strategist. During the Thriller Bark arc, she was able to take on several Straw Hat Pirates at once and even managed to get the upper hand on some of them.

What sets Perona apart from other female characters in One Piece is her unique personality. She has a gothic and creepy style, but she is also playful and mischievous. Her personality adds depth to her character and makes her more interesting to watch.

13. Boa Sandersonia

One Piece, the popular anime and manga series, is filled with a diverse cast of characters, both male and female. However, some of the female characters in the series stand out for their strength, skills, and personalities. Boa Sandersonia, one of the three Boa sisters and the Gorgon Sisters, is definitely one of them. In this article, we will take a closer look at Boa Sandersonia, her devil fruit power, and why she is considered one of the best female characters in One Piece.
Boa Sandersonia
Boa Sandersonia’s devil fruit power is the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Anaconda. This zoan type devil fruit allows her to transform into a giant anaconda, giving her immense strength and speed. She can coil around her enemies and squeeze them with her powerful muscles. Her snake form also gives her the ability to shed her skin, which can be used as a protective shield or as a distraction.

In addition to her physical strength and snake-like abilities, Boa Sandersonia also possesses Ryou, a special type of Haki. Although she is not a master of this technique, she can use it at a basic level to enhance her physical attacks and defend herself from enemy attacks.

Boa Sandersonia is one of the strongest female characters in One Piece. Her devil fruit power alone makes her a formidable opponent to anyone who crosses her path. However, what makes her stand out from other characters is her personality and backstory.

14. Kozuki Toki

Kozuki Toki may not be the most prominent character in the One Piece world, but her strength and role in the story cannot be ignored. She is considered one of the strongest female characters in One Piece, and her unique ability makes her stand out from the rest.
Kozuki Toki - Strongest One Piece Female Characters, Ranked
Toki’s appearance in the storyline is not extensive, but her presence is essential. As the wife of Kozuki Oden, she played a significant role in the Wano Country arc, where her husband’s legacy was explored in depth. Despite not being a warrior herself, Toki’s intelligence and knowledge of the future were invaluable to the cause, and her unwavering support for her husband and children was admirable.

What sets Toki apart from other female characters in One Piece is her devil fruit ability. The Toki Toki no Mi is a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows her to travel forward in time. This ability makes her an incredibly powerful character, and her foresight and knowledge of the future were critical for the survival of the Kozuki clan. However, her power came with a significant downside – she could never travel back in time once she had traveled to the future.

Toki’s strength and intelligence make her one of the best female characters in One Piece. She may not be a warrior like Nami, Robin, or Boa Hancock, but her contributions to the story were just as important. Her ability to see into the future and make strategic decisions based on that knowledge made her an essential asset to the Kozuki clan, and her unwavering support for her family was a testament to her character.

15. Nami

Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beloved female characters in the One Piece series. Despite not being one of the physically strongest members of the crew, Nami has proven time and time again that she is a force to be reckoned with. In fact, when it comes to comparing her strength to the other female characters in One Piece, Nami is definitely among the most impressive.
While Nami does not possess Haki, she more than makes up for it with her intelligence and resourcefulness. Throughout the series, Nami has managed to outsmart her opponents and defeat them with the combination of her weapons and trickery. Her signature weapon, the Clima-Tact, is a staff-like weapon that allows her to control the weather and create powerful bursts of wind and lightning. Usopp frequently modifies the Clima-Tact, giving Nami even more control over the elements.

One of Nami’s most impressive feats came during the Whole Cake Island arc, where she gained Zeus as an ally. Zeus is a powerful cloud that can generate lightning, and Nami was able to tame and control him, adding even more power to her arsenal. With Zeus by her side, Nami was able to take on some of the strongest enemies in the series.

But it’s not just Nami’s combat abilities that make her one of the best female characters in One Piece. Her intelligence and strategic thinking have also saved the crew on numerous occasions. Nami is a skilled navigator and has a great sense of direction, which has been invaluable in their journey. She is also an expert thief and has a knack for deceiving her enemies.


In conclusion, the world of One Piece is filled with powerful female characters who are more than capable of holding their own in battle. From the top-ranked Boa Hancock to the honorable Tashigi, each of the strongest One Piece female characters possesses unique strengths and abilities that make them stand out in their own right. Whether they are pirates or Marines, these women prove that they are forces to be reckoned with. As the series continues to unfold, fans can only look forward to seeing what these formidable female characters will accomplish next.

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