Tears of the Kingdom: The Enigmatic Man with a Bucket on His Head Steals Hearts in the New Trailer

Wow, that Tears of the Kingdom trailer had it all, didn’t it? From high-flying rockets and mechs to a handsome Ganondorf and the charming Prince Sidon, not to mention Link soaring through the air in a flying squirrel suit and some impressive swimming scenes. But perhaps the biggest standout of the trailer was the introduction of Bucket Head, who has quickly become a beloved friend of the Tears of the Kingdom community.

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Tears of the Kingdom Trailer

If you happened to overlook Bucket Head while watching the trailer, it’s understandable. But it’s worth taking another look around 3 minutes and 12 seconds into the trailer, as you’ll spot him there.

Tears of the Kingdom Community

Do you still miss him? For a closer look, let’s consult the community:

Look over there! Who could that be? We’re unfamiliar with this gentleman. He appears to be an ordinary person without any weapons. However, he felt it was necessary to acquire some protective gear for the impending epic fight alongside Link and the rest of the team. Therefore, he grabbed the nearest item to use as a helmet. I’m thrilled for him, and it appears that Tears of the Kingdom followers share the same sentiment.

The buzz surrounding The Bucket Man is not limited to Twitter alone. The Tears of the Kingdom subreddit is also abuzz with excitement about him.

Tears of the Kingdom community on Reddit

Tears of the Kingdom subreddit is also abuzz with excitement about him

There’s something about this person that makes him easy to relate to. It could be because when playing Breath of the Wild, Link’s journey felt very isolated, even in populated areas. However, in Tears of the Kingdom, he manages to gather not only powerful allies but also ordinary individuals who are eager to lend a hand in saving the world with whatever resources they have available. One such example is this guy who may not be a champion but is willing to offer his assistance nonetheless.

Perhaps the reason why we, the players of the game, can relate more to Bucket Head than to Link is that we are all average individuals striving to do our best with the limited resources we have, yet we still make it a point to show up and participate in what is important to us.

A flood of Tears of the Kingdom material was released today with a new story trailer, which we have analyzed thoroughly to ensure you catch all the nuances. The beginning of Tears of the Kingdom’s adventure has already been disclosed by Nintendo’s official website.

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