Attack on Titan Season 2’s Mysterious Opening Explained

Attack on Titan Season 2's Mysterious Opening Finally Explained

There is a particular instance in Attack on Titan Season 2 that is quite peculiar and differs from the rest of the series, and now there is a clarification for it.

Caution: The following text contains spoilers for Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3: Part 1 and Attack on Titan Volume 34.

As Attack on Titan: The Final Season progresses towards its conclusion, it’s providing answers to numerous puzzling questions. One of these mysteries is the bizarre opening from season 2, which features the Beast Titan in his animal form running alongside a whale, a giraffe, and dinosaurs. This scene was left unexplained not only in season 2 but also in the subsequent seasons, and even the manga didn’t offer much insight into its significance, leaving it to be interpreted as sheer randomness.

It seems that Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 may have given us an answer to the season 2 opening. In the first part of the finale, Falco disclosed that due to being injected with Zeke’s spinal fluid, he has memories of previous Beast Titans, one of which could fly. Therefore, the Beast Titan is capable of choosing the animal they resemble, indicating that the creatures showcased in the season 2 opening were the forms of past Beast Titans. This was hinted at earlier in the series and is later confirmed to be true in the final arc of the show.

See more: Attack On Titan Rug

How the power of the Beast Titan was foreshadowed in Attack on Titan

How the power of the Beast Titan was foreshadowed in Attack on Titan

The recent revelation about the true capabilities of the Beast Titan was a significant one, but it was not entirely unexpected. Hajime Isayama’s Attack on Titan had hinted at it earlier. In the first part of The Final Season, when the Marleyans were strategizing how to invade Paradis, one of the generals asked if they had any Titans that could fly. Though it was meant to be a sarcastic comment aimed at Reiner and Zeke, it now appears to be a criticism of Zeke’s failure to select a form of the Beast Titan that could fly.

The previous Beast Titan, Tom Ksaver, gave a hint of what is to come. He informed Zeke that his Titan form was not suitable for fighting, which is strange given Zeke’s impressive abilities in that form. However, if Ksaver’s Beast Titan was notably distinct from Zeke’s in Attack on Titan, then it would be reasonable for him to have selected a form that is not well-suited for combat. This decision would align with Ksaver’s gentle and passive personality.

The Beast Titan’s Power is Confirmed in Attack on Titan’s Final Arc

The Beast Titan's Power is Confirmed in Attack on Titan's Final Arc

Towards the end of the series, it is evident that the Beast Titan possesses the ability to transform into various forms. In the final arc, when the aim was to stop the Rumbling by defeating Eren, he utilized the Founding Titan’s power to call forth Titans from the past to battle on his behalf. Among these Titans were previous Beast Titans, some of which took on forms such as deer, alligators, and surprisingly, an okapi. This occurrence provides undeniable evidence that the Beast Titan has the capability to embody forms other than Zeke’s ape-like appearance.

Tom Ksaver’s influence on Attack on Titan is evident in several aspects, including the depiction of his Titan in the final battle with Eren. Unlike Zeke’s Beast Titan, Ksaver’s Titan resembles a massive ram, which suggests that the Beast Titan can take on different forms. Although it’s unclear why Ksaver’s Titan wasn’t suitable for battle, it adds to the intrigue of the reveal, which was set up in season 2 of Attack on Titan.

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