Harry Potter: Top 15 Best Gryffindor Characters Of All Time

Top 15 Best Gryffindor Characters In Harry Potter

For years, the world of Harry Potter has captivated readers and moviegoers alike. From the magical creatures to the spells and potions, there’s something for everyone in this beloved universe. Gryffindor, one of the four Hogwarts houses, has produced some of the most memorable characters in the series. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at 15 of the best Gryffindor characters of all time. Whether you’re a diehard fan or just getting into the series, there’s sure to be a character on this list that resonates with you. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Gryffindor!

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Top 15 Best Gryffindor Characters Of All Time

15. Godric Gryffindor

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a place where young witches and wizards learn to harness their magical powers and become skilled practitioners of the arts of magic. It is one of the most famous and prestigious schools for wizardry in the world, and it was founded by four great wizards, one of whom was Godric Gryffindor.

Gryffindor was a towering figure with wavy red hair and a beard of the same color, and he had piercing green eyes that seemed to sparkle with magic. He was a man of great courage, chivalry, and determination, and he valued these qualities in others as well. He was also one of the four most powerful wizards of all time, which speaks volumes about his magical abilities.

His portrait, which hangs in the Hogwarts castle, depicts him wearing his trademark segmented red sword gauntlets and red robes with gold highlights. He looks imposing and confident, a true leader among his peers.

Gryffindor’s friendship with Salazar Slytherin was well-known, but they eventually fell out over the issue of accepting Muggle-born students at Hogwarts. Gryffindor was in favor of accepting them, while Slytherin was not. This disagreement led to Slytherin’s departure from the school and the creation of the Chamber of Secrets. However, Gryffindor’s belief in the inclusion of Muggle-born wizards into their school earned him the reputation of being the most tolerant of all the founders.

One of Gryffindor’s most notable achievements was the creation of the Sorting Hat, which he enchanted to sort new students into their respective houses based on their personality traits. This has become a beloved tradition at Hogwarts and is still in use to this day.

14. Peter Pettigrew

When we think of the best Gryffindor characters, we often think of brave and noble heroes who fought for what was right. Characters like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley come to mind. However, there is one of the best Gryffindor characters who stand out for entirely different reasons: Peter Pettigrew.
Peter Pettigrew - Best Gryffindor Characters
Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail or Scabbers, was sorted into Gryffindor House during his time at Hogwarts. He quickly became friends with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, and together they formed the Marauders. However, Pettigrew’s loyalty was always in question, and he eventually betrayed his friends to Voldemort.

Physically, Pettigrew is described as an extremely short man with watery eyes, messy hair, and a pointy nose. These features point to his animagus rat form, which he used to spy on his friends for Voldemort. In his rat form, he was known as Scabbers and spent years living with the Weasley family as their pet.

Pettigrew is undoubtedly one of the weakest characters in the Harry Potter series. He is a treacherous friend who has always tagged along with the more intelligent and popular ones. He is an opportunist who allied with the side he thought was stronger and more prone to winning, and in this way, he became a hated individual that no one loved.

But despite his flaws, Pettigrew is a complex and controversial character. He raises questions about the nature of loyalty and the lengths people will go to in order to survive. He also serves as a warning about the dangers of blindly following those who promise power and success.

In the end, Pettigrew meets a fitting end at the hands of his own silver hand, given to him by Voldemort as a reward for his loyalty. His death is a reminder that even the weakest and most treacherous among us can have a powerful impact on the world around us.

13. House Ghost: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

House Ghost Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington  - Best Gryffindor Characters
If you’re a true Harry Potter fan, you’re probably familiar with the famous Hogwarts ghost, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, also known as Nearly Headless Nick. He is one of the best Gryffindor characters, loved by many for his charming personality and kind spirit.

Sir Nicholas was a wizard of the royal court, but his life took a tragic turn when he was subjected to an improper decapitation by Lady Grieve during a magical mishap. As a result, he became a ghost, and his head was partially severed, giving him the nickname “Nearly Headless Nick.” Despite his ghostly state, Sir Nicholas remained a loyal friend to many, especially his fellow Gryffindors at Hogwarts.

As a ghost, Sir Nicholas is slightly transparent and often struggles with his partially severed head, which won’t always stay in place. He is tall, slender, with long curls, a moustache, and a goatee, and speaks in a delicate tone. Despite these challenges, he remains a valued member of the Hogwarts community, always eager to help students and staff alike.

Sir Nicholas is particularly skilled in certain areas, such as reading and understanding ancient runes, charms, and Witch hunts of the 14th century. His vast knowledge of history and magic makes him a valuable resource for anyone seeking advice or guidance.

For those who love Gryffindor characters, Sir Nicholas is a must-see at Hogwarts. He embodies the spirit of the house, always loyal, brave, and kind to those around him. Whether you’re a student or a visitor to Hogwarts, you’re sure to be charmed by Nearly Headless Nick and his many unique quirks.

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12. Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin  - Best Gryffindor Characters
Remus Lupin is undoubtedly one of the best Gryffindor characters in the Harry Potter series. He is a wizard who was bitten by a werewolf at a young age, which left him with a lifelong affliction of lycanthropy. This condition impacted his life significantly, forcing him to live in isolation during the full moon to prevent himself from harming others.

Despite his struggles, Lupin was able to become a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, teaching the subject of Defence Against the Dark Arts. He became a beloved member of the Hogwarts staff and a mentor to Harry Potter and his friends.

In appearance, Lupin is a tall and slender man with a pale face and short light brown hair that started turning grey in his thirties. In his werewolf form, he was a large monster with grey fur. However, his physical attributes are not what make him stand out.

Lupin is a compassionate and loving man with a heart full of kindness and loyalty towards his friends. He possesses a vast array of skills, such as non-verbal and wandless magic and healing magic. He showed talent at charms when he was a young boy and later proved to be a highly talented dualist.

Lupin’s character represents the Gryffindor values of bravery, determination, and loyalty. He was always willing to help Harry and his friends, sometimes even putting himself at risk to protect them.

11. Neville Longbottom

When we first meet Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter series, he is a shy and hesitant first-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But as the story progresses, we see Neville grow and develop into a brave and determined young man, proving that even the most timid individuals have the potential for greatness. This also makes him one of the best Gryffindor characters of all time.
Neville Longbottom  - Best Gryffindor Characters
Neville’s early years at Hogwarts were marked by a lack of confidence and self-esteem. He struggled to excel in his studies and often found himself the target of ridicule from his classmates, particularly from Draco Malfoy and his group of Slytherin friends. Neville’s insecurities were further compounded by the fact that his parents, well-respected Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix, had been tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and three other Death Eaters.

Despite these challenges, Neville persevered and eventually found his place in the Gryffindor house. He proved himself to be a loyal friend to Harry, Ron, and Hermione and was always willing to lend a helping hand when they needed it most.

As Neville matured, we saw him grow in confidence and courage. He faced his fears head-on, standing up to his tormentors and proving himself to be a force to be reckoned with. In his fifth year at Hogwarts, Neville even joined Dumbledore’s Army, a secret student organization dedicated to learning defensive magic and preparing for the return of Lord Voldemort.

It was during the climactic battle at Hogwarts in the seventh book that Neville truly came into his own. He led the charge against the Death Eaters, standing up to them with bravery and determination. Neville’s actions in the battle were crucial to the ultimate defeat of Voldemort, earning him the respect and admiration of his fellow students and teachers.

10. Lily Potter

Lily Potter was a beloved character in the Harry Potter series, known for her kindness, bravery, and extraordinary magical abilities. As a Muggle-born witch, she faced many challenges in the wizarding world, but her determination and unwavering spirit made her one of the best Gryffindor characters.
Lily Potter
Lily first discovered her magical abilities as a child when Severus Snape, her best friend at the time, told her about the world of magic. Despite being from a non-magical family, Lily quickly adapted to her new life and became a popular and well-liked student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

One of Lily’s best qualities was her kindness. She always saw the good in others, even those who didn’t always deserve it. Her compassion and empathy towards others made her a role model for many, including her son Harry, who inherited her kind heart.

Aside from her kind nature, Lily was also an incredibly talented witch. She had a special talent for potion-making, which she honed during her time at Hogwarts. Her skills in this area were so great that she was able to create a potion that protected her son from Voldemort’s killing curse.

But perhaps one of Lily’s most impressive feats was her ability to conjure a corporeal doe Patronus. This is a rare and difficult skill to master, and it is a testament to Lily’s superior magical abilities.

Unfortunately, Lily’s life was cut tragically short when she and her husband James were killed by Voldemort. However, her legacy lived on through her son Harry, who inherited her bravery, kindness, and magical abilities.

9. James Potter

James Potter, also known as Prongs, is one of the best Gryffindor characters in the Harry Potter series. He was not only a member of the Marauders, but also one of the best representatives of the Gryffindor House. James was known for his bravery, honesty, and his willingness to sacrifice himself for the people he loved.

However, James’ story is also intertwined with that of his best friend, Sirius Black. Sirius is one of the most tragic characters in the story, having been framed for many criminal activities by one of his friends, Peter Pettigrew, and spending years in one of the worst prisons in the world. Despite this, Sirius remained loyal to James and Lupin, and eventually became Harry’s godfather.

James and Sirius shared a deep bond, and their friendship was a testament to the ideals of Gryffindor. They were both brave and willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect their loved ones. However, James was also known to have a short temper, especially when it came to defending his friends. He was tired of being framed and always ready to fight and defend himself and those around him.

Like many of the characters in the series, James was flawed. He demonstrated his immaturity and recklessness on a few occasions, which led to some unwanted situations. However, his heart was always in the right place, and he was willing to learn from his mistakes.

Despite his untimely death, James left a lasting impact on the story and on the readers. His dedication to his friends, his bravery, and his willingness to sacrifice himself for others made him one of the best Gryffindor characters in the series.

8. Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley is one of the most beloved characters from the Harry Potter series. He is a lovable ginger-haired and blue-eyed boy, the youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, and a talented wizard. Ron is one of the most responsible characters for saving Hogwarts and a true friend to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.
Ron Weasley - Best Gryffindor Characters
Ron’s personality is characterized by his talkative and friendly nature, his strong loyalty, his strength, and his sense of humor. He is always ready to lighten up the mood with a joke and is known for his bravery and willingness to stand up for those he cares about.

Although Ron inherited his strong temper from his family, he can sometimes get quite angry and spiteful when he is not treated right. He can also be jealous in certain situations, especially in his later school years when his feelings for Hermione started to become stronger. However, despite these flaws, Ron is an extremely loyal friend who would never allow anything to happen to his friends and family.

Besides the fear of losing his loved ones, Ron is also uncontrollably scared of spiders. This fear is showcased in several scenes throughout the series and adds a humorous touch to his character.

In the world of Harry Potter, Ron is not only one of the best Gryffindor characters but also a proud member of the Gryffindor house. Gryffindor is known for its brave and courageous members, and Ron embodies these characteristics perfectly. He is always willing to stand up for what is right, even if it means putting himself in danger. Ron’s bravery is showcased in several scenes throughout the series, including the Battle of Hogwarts, where he played a key role in defeating Lord Voldemort.

7. Arthur and Molly Weasley

When it comes to the best Gryffindor characters in the Harry Potter series, Arthur and Molly Weasley are certainly among the most outstanding ones. These two pure-blooded wizards are not only skilled and talented in magic, but they are also good-hearted and caring parents to their children, Ron, Ginny, and their other sons.
Arthur and Molly Weasley 
Arthur works for the Ministry of Magic and is a member of the second Order of the Phoenix. He is a man of principle who always stands up for what is right and just. He is a reasonable man who knows how to react when someone doesn’t respect what he has to say. Arthur is known for his love for Muggles and his fascination with Muggle artifacts. He even collects them in his spare time.

Meanwhile, Molly is a talkative and extremely friendly witch who is protective of her family and their friends. She is kind, motherly, and gentle but tends to be a little overprotective. Molly doesn’t allow anyone to mess with her family and gets very annoyed when someone tries to hurt the ones she loves the most. Her maternal instincts are so strong that she often adopts any friends of her children who need a loving parent figure.

Molly’s protective nature is highlighted when she defeats Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most dangerous Death Eaters in the series. She puts her life on the line to protect her daughter, Ginny, and anyone else who is in danger. This action earned her the respect of many fans, who see her as a fierce and capable fighter.

Arthur and Molly’s relationship is also a testament to their love for each other. They are a strong, supportive couple who are always there for each other. They share a love for their family, their friends, and their wizarding world. Their home is always open to anyone who needs a place to stay, and they are known for their hospitality.

6. Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid - Best Gryffindor Characters
Hagrid, one of the best Gryffindor characters, a half-giant wizard, was trained and employed as a gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He lived in a hut near the castle and was known for his love of unusual and possibly dangerous animals. In fact, he used to teach Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts and had a better relationship with the inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest than with some humans.

Despite his enormous size and sometimes frightening appearance, Hagrid is an extremely kind-hearted and heartwarming person. He would do anything for his friends and is known for his unwavering loyalty. However, he does have a tendency to struggle with keeping secrets.

One of the most memorable moments in the series is when Hagrid is given the task of reintroducing Harry Potter to the wizarding world. Hagrid is the first person from Hogwarts to introduce himself to Harry and quickly becomes a trusted friend and mentor.

Hagrid’s love for magical creatures and his warm personality have made him a fan-favorite character in the Harry Potter series. He always has time for Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well as his protector Albus Dumbledore.

In addition to his loyalty and kindness, Hagrid also possesses a great deal of courage. He is willing to put himself in danger to protect those he cares about, as seen when he takes on the role of Harry’s protector during the Triwizard Tournament.

5. Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is a name that echoes throughout the wizarding world as one of the most brilliant and successful Hogwarts students of all time. She is a prime example of how intelligence, determination, and hard work can overcome any obstacle, even if you are a muggle-born witch.
Hermione Granger 
As a Gryffindor, Hermione embodied the house’s values of courage, bravery, and determination. She was always there to lend her friends a helping hand and stand up for what is right. Harry and Ron would have been lost without her, and she proved herself to be an invaluable member of their trio time and time again.

Hermione’s intelligence was her greatest asset, and she never shied away from using it to her advantage. She was a natural leader and always thought things through before making a decision. She was known for her quick wit, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which often saved her and her friends from dangerous situations.

Not only was Hermione intelligent, but she was also a highly skilled witch. She excelled in nearly every aspect of magic, from dueling to potion-making to herbology and transfiguration. Her dedication to her studies was unwavering, and she never missed a class. Her wandless magic was also astounding, proving that she was a truly gifted witch.

Hermione’s bravery was also a defining trait that made her such a beloved character. She faced danger head-on and was never afraid to speak her mind, even when it meant standing up to those in positions of power. She always fought for what was right and never backed down from a challenge.

4. Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall is one of the best Gryffindor characters that we can’t help but mention in this list. This Scottish half-blood witch is a force to be reckoned with both in terms of her magical abilities and her unwavering dedication to her role as Head of Gryffindor House and Transfiguration professor.
Minerva McGonagall - Best Gryffindor Characters
McGonagall is an exceptional witch, with skills that extend far beyond transfiguration and charmwork, which are her areas of expertise. She is also one of the best duellists in the wizarding world, and has a solid understanding of the dark arts, even though she doesn’t practice them. Her exceptional talent and power are well-known, and she is respected by all students and teachers alike.

What sets McGonagall apart from other Hogwarts professors is her stern yet caring nature. She values order above all else, and is always honest with her students, whether it’s to praise them for their hard work or to reprimand them for their mistakes. While she isn’t seen smiling often, her students know that when she does, it’s a true sign of their success.

As Head of Gryffindor House, McGonagall is deeply connected to her students. She cares for them and wants them to succeed, but she also expects the best from them. This dedication to her role has earned her immense respect and sometimes even fear from her students. However, her tough exterior is only a mask for her kind and caring nature, which surfaces when her students are in need of guidance and support.

McGonagall’s importance in the Harry Potter series cannot be overstated. She plays a critical role in shaping Harry’s journey as a wizard and as a Gryffindor. Her guidance, support, and even her sternness have helped Harry and his friends to overcome the many obstacles they face throughout the series.

3. Sirius Black

Sirius Black is one of the best Gryffindor characters in the Harry Potter series. He is known for his bravery, loyalty, and quick wit, making him a fan favorite for many readers. However, his story is also one of the most tragic ones in the series.
Sirius Black 
Sirius was framed for many criminal activities by his own friend, Peter Pettigrew. He spent years in Azkaban, one of the worst prisons in the world, while his name was dragged through the mud. This alone is enough to make him a sympathetic character, but his backstory only adds to the tragedy.

Sirius was best friends with James Potter and Lupin, and he was Harry’s godfather. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to meet him until Harry was already a boy. This is tragic in itself as he missed out on so many important years of Harry’s life.

As an adult, Sirius had a short temper and was tired of being framed. He was always ready to fight and defend himself and the ones around him. While this trait can be seen as admirable, it also led to some unwanted situations.

There were times when Sirius demonstrated himself to be irresponsible, reckless, and immature. This often resulted in him putting himself and others in danger. However, one cannot ignore the fact that he was also incredibly brave and loyal, willing to risk everything for those he cared about.

2. Harry Potter

Harry Potter is the most famous wizard of all time and for good reason. He is the epitome of bravery, loyalty, talent, and selflessness, making him the best Gryffindor character in the Harry Potter series. From his humble beginnings as an orphaned child to his heroic victory over Lord Voldemort, Harry has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world.
Harry Potter - Best Gryffindor Characters
As a half-blood wizard, Harry possesses a unique combination of magical abilities that make him one of the most skilled and powerful wizards of his time. He is greatly feared by his enemies, especially Lord Voldemort himself, who sees him as the only one who can defeat him in battle. Harry’s talent for magic was evident from a very young age, and he continued to grow and develop his skills throughout his time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But what truly sets Harry apart from other wizards is his character. He is a loyal friend who always puts the needs of his loved ones before his own. He is brave in the face of danger, unafraid to stand up for himself and others in the face of adversity. He is also incredibly selfless, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

Throughout his time at Hogwarts, Harry formed strong bonds with his fellow Gryffindor classmates, including Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. He values friendship above all else and would do anything to protect his friends, even if it means putting himself in harm’s way.

As the Chosen One, Harry faced many challenges and obstacles, including the Triwizard Tournament, the Ministry of Magic, and the Deathly Hallows. But he never faltered in his quest to defeat Lord Voldemort and protect the wizarding world.

1. Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore, the half-blood wizard, is undoubtedly one of the best Gryffindor characters. He is not only an accomplished wizard but also a wise and kind mentor who has played a crucial role in shaping the lives of many young witches and wizards.

Dumbledore’s legacy as the Headmaster of Hogwarts lives on even after his death, inspiring generations of students to be brave, loyal, and true to themselves. In this blog post, we will explore why Dumbledore is considered one of the best Gryffindor characters and how his traits and actions make him a role model for everyone.
Albus Dumbledore

Powerful and Wise

Dumbledore’s immense magical abilities are matched only by his wisdom and intelligence. He is known to be the only wizard Voldemort ever feared, and that alone speaks volumes about his power. However, it is his wise and calm demeanor that has won him the respect and admiration of all who know him.

As a headmaster, Dumbledore was always ready to offer advice and guidance to his students, and his presence alone was enough to instill confidence in them. His ability to see the good in people, even in those who had made mistakes, made him a beloved figure in the wizarding world.

Flawed Yet Inspiring

Despite his many virtues, Dumbledore was not a perfect man. He struggled with his desire for power, as he revealed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. However, it is precisely this flaw that makes him all the more inspiring.

Dumbledore’s willingness to confront his own demons and acknowledge his mistakes is a testament to his strength of character. It reminds us that nobody is perfect and that it is our ability to learn from our mistakes that define us as individuals.

Beloved Mentor

Perhaps the most significant reason why Dumbledore is considered one of the best Gryffindor characters is his role as a mentor. He has played a pivotal role in the lives of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and countless other students, helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence and the dangers of Voldemort’s rising power.

Dumbledore’s unwavering support for his students, even in the face of danger, has made him a beloved figure in the wizarding world. His willingness to put himself in harm’s way to protect his students is a testament to his bravery and loyalty, and it is these qualities that make him a role model for all Gryffindors.


In conclusion, Gryffindor House has produced some of the most memorable and inspiring characters in the Harry Potter series. From brave and loyal Harry Potter himself to the quick-witted Hermione Granger and the mischievous twins Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor has shown time and time again that courage and determination are key traits for success. These top 15 best Gryffindor characters have captured the hearts of readers and viewers alike, and their bravery and heroism will continue to inspire future generations. Whether it be facing the Dark Lord or simply standing up for what is right, these characters have proven that Gryffindors truly are the bravest of them all.

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