Why Voldemort Killed Harry Potter’s Parents?

Why Voldemort Killed Harry Potter's Parents

Welcome to the world of Harry Potter! The magical world created by J.K. Rowling has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide. One of the most intriguing mysteries in the series is why Voldemort killed Harry Potter’s parents. The story behind this event has been analyzed and debated by fans for years, and it continues to fascinate readers to this day. In this blog post, we will delve into the events leading up to the tragic night and explore the possible motivations behind Voldemort’s actions. So grab your wand and let’s embark on this journey together!

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What Motivated Voldemort To Kill Harry?

Before Harry Potter was even born, an incredible prophecy was made that would shape the course of his life and the Wizarding World forever. The prophecy was made by Sybill Trelawney, who had applied for the position of Divination professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little did she know that her interview would be the catalyst for a chain of events that would lead to the downfall of the most feared dark wizard of all time.
What Motivated Voldemort To Kill Harry
Initially unimpressed with Trelawney’s apparent lack of talent, Albus Dumbledore was ready to dismiss her and move on to other candidates. However, something strange overtook her during the interview. She was struck by a true vision of prophecy, unlike any Dumbledore had ever seen before. In this vision, Trelawney revealed what would cause the downfall of Lord Voldemort.

Unfortunately, Trelawney was not the only one to hear this prophecy. Severus Snape, a former Death Eater and one of Voldemort’s inner circle, had overheard part of it and shared it with his master. Voldemort interpreted the prophecy to mean that a child born in July, whose parents had defied him three times, would be the one to destroy him. He set out to find and kill this child while he was still a baby and presumably not yet a threat.

The prophecy had some key elements that would shape the course of events to come. It stated that Voldemort’s downfall would come at the hand of a person born in July, whose parents had defied him three times. This person also had power that Voldemort could not understand. It was also revealed that Voldemort would be the one to choose his foe and that one of them would kill the other.

This prophecy would take on a life of its own, shaping the destinies of many characters in the Wizarding World. Harry Potter, born in July to parents who had defied Voldemort three times, was the child that the prophecy spoke of. Voldemort’s attempts to kill him would lead to the murder of Harry’s parents and his own downfall years later.

The prophecy would also play a key role in the lives of Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore. Snape’s guilt over his role in the events of that fateful night would lead him to switch sides and become a double agent for Dumbledore. Dumbledore, on the other hand, would come to regret his handling of the prophecy and the role it played in Harry’s life.

Why Voldemort Killed Harry Potter’s Parents According To The Prophecy?

In the Harry Potter series, the prophecy of Trelawney is central to the plot. It states that a chosen one will be marked as the equal of Voldemort, and that this chosen one will ultimately defeat him. While many fans assume that the prophecy was specifically referring to Harry Potter and his family, the reality is a bit more complicated.
Why Voldemort Killed Harry Potter's Parents According To The Prophecy
Nothing in the prophecy specifically refers to the Potter family. In fact, it could have referred to a different baby, and a different family altogether: the Longbottoms. Frank and Alice Longbottom defied Voldemort three times, and Neville Longbottom was also born in July. So why did Voldemort choose to target the Potters instead?

The answer lies in the complicated nature of the prophecy itself. It requires a certain level of self-fulfillment. Voldemort will mark the chosen one as his equal, meaning that in order for the prophecy to come true, Voldemort will select his own worst enemy. That is significant, because it means Harry isn’t chosen by destiny but, instead, by Voldemort himself.

Voldemort chose Harry because he saw more of himself in Harry than he did in Neville. Voldemort despised his parents because his father was a muggle and his mother was unexceptional and, in his eyes, pathetic. He hid his half-blood status from his friends and followers, but he saw that Harry’s mother was muggle-born — no better than a muggle in his eyes — and saw a vision of himself, a power from the half-blood status with which he connected.

Voldemort believed that Harry would be his ultimate downfall, and thus chose him over Neville. This decision ultimately led to the death of James and Lily, who sacrificed themselves to save their son’s life. 

The complexity of the prophecy and the motivations behind Voldemort’s actions add layers of depth to the Harry Potter series. It’s not just a simple tale of good versus evil, but a story about the intricacies of fate, destiny, and personal choice. Voldemort’s hatred and fear of his own half-blood status led him down a dark path, and ultimately led to his own downfall. Meanwhile, the love and sacrifice of James and Lily Potter helped shape Harry into the hero he needed to be in order to fulfill the prophecy and defeat Voldemort once and for all.

In the end, it’s clear that the prophecy of Trelawney was fulfilled not just by the actions of Harry Potter, but by the choices and sacrifices of many others as well.

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What Happens To Voldemort After He Killed Harry Potter’s Parents?

The Harry Potter series is a beloved story that has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world. The villain of the series is, of course, Voldemort, who is perhaps one of the most well-known villains in all of literature. He is known for his evil deeds and his quest for power, but what happens to him after he kills Harry Potter’s parents?
What Happens To Voldemort After He Killed Harry Potter's Parents
To understand what happens to Voldemort after he killed Harry Potter’s parents, we need to take a closer look at the events that led up to that moment. Voldemort was obsessed with the idea of immortality and had already created six Horcruxes, objects that contain a piece of his soul and thus allow him to live forever. However, when he attempted to kill baby Harry that fateful night, his killing curse backfired and his body was destroyed.

But Voldemort’s soul was not destroyed. Instead, it splintered, and a piece of it latched onto the only living thing in the building — Harry himself. This meant that Harry was, in fact, a Horcrux. This explains why Harry has the ability to speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes, which is a trait that Voldemort also possesses. Additionally, Voldemort and Harry have been mentally connected, able to see and sense things that only the other could know.

So what happens to Voldemort after he kills Harry Potter’s parents? Well, as we know, he is reduced to a mere spirit, unable to take physical form. He spends the next decade or so hiding in the forests of Albania, slowly regaining his strength and trying to come up with a plan to return to power. It is during this time that he discovers the existence of the Philosopher’s Stone, a magical artifact that can grant immortality.

Voldemort’s plan to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone brings him into direct conflict with Harry Potter, who is attending his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Voldemort possesses Professor Quirrell, a teacher at Hogwarts, and tries to use him to get the stone. However, Harry and his friends are able to stop Voldemort’s plan and destroy the stone.

Despite this setback, Voldemort is still determined to return to power. He spends the next few years gathering his followers, known as Death Eaters, and plotting his revenge against Harry Potter. He ultimately returns to physical form at the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, using the blood of his enemy to do so.

The rest of the series sees Harry and Voldemort engaged in a deadly battle of wits and magic, with Harry ultimately coming out on top and defeating Voldemort once and for all. But even after his physical body is destroyed, Voldemort’s soul remains, trapped in limbo between life and death. It is only through Harry’s sacrifice and the destruction of the remaining Horcruxes that Voldemort is finally defeated and his soul is destroyed.


In conclusion, the reason why Voldemort killed Harry Potter’s parents was a result of his fear of a prophecy that foretold of a child who would bring about his downfall. Despite his efforts to eliminate the threat, Voldemort was ultimately defeated by Harry Potter, the very child he sought to destroy. The tragedy of the Potters’ deaths served as a catalyst for Harry’s journey to becoming the hero who would ultimately bring an end to Voldemort’s reign of terror. The motivations behind Voldemort’s actions may never be fully understood, but it is clear that the sacrifice of Lily and James Potter played a crucial role in the ultimate defeat of the Dark Lord.

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