Alien Rug

People, particularly young people, are drawn to the subject of aliens. What if you possessed an Alien Rug carpet made by Petorugs?

Alien Rug – Safe Rug for Any House

Alien Rug – a product that Petorugs puts a lot of work into designing as well as attentively monitoring the process of manufacturing a carpet with high quality, reasonable pricing, and ease of use. Alien Rug is made safe for human health by using the correct materials, and it is also beneficial to the surrounding environment. In terms of carpet weaving and color printing, we always prefer contemporary technology machines, which not only make production work faster than manual labor but are also more sensitive and detailed. We confirm that the Alien Rug is a popular product line among our customers.

What makes Alien Rug amazing?

The material and printing method are crucial to creating such a flawless Alien Rug. Anti-slip, polyester, and water-absorption are the materials we select since they are secure for both people and the environment. 

The carpet’s anti-slip function causes it to increase friction, making it safer to walk on without worrying about slipping. This makes it a great choice for families with senior members, energetic kids, or newborns who need a large space. With the extraordinarily high elasticity of the carpet fiber and the non-hygroscopicity of the polyester material, the Alien Rug becomes a great carpet with fire resistance, moisture resistance, mold resistance, non-fouling, and water resistance… You won’t need to be concerned about the carpet contracting or expanding during washing and drying, to be more precise.

The Alien Rug is not readily destroyed and can also lessen the stress on the floor to prevent floor damage when a heavy object or a sharp object falls on its surface. When compared to other items in the same business, Petorugs’ rug has an exceptional feature: extremely strong water resistance. Do you have kids who play a lot at home, making it simple for spills to occur on the floor? Or do you occasionally drop a cup of water on the carpet carelessly? We can assist you with that; just use water absorption. Even water doesn’t build up on the floor because of the Alien Rug. 

Why not pick up the phone and give Petorugs a call if you want to purchase such a fantastic carpet for just $54.95? Still awaiting your arrival.

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