Burberry Rug

Burberry rug is a popular and most loved product line at Petrorugs. Featuring Burberry luxury brand motifs, this is a rug that will make your home more luxurious and sophisticated than ever.

Burberry Rugs – quality creates a class

If you are one of the fashionistas, you cannot help but know that one of the most famous luxury fashion brands in the world today is Burberry. Burberry Rugs rug series with 10 different designs can give you a spoiled for choice to decorate your home. With each model, the logo motif is imprinted with the imprint of this long-standing fashion brand, and the characteristic pattern is the colored perpendicular lines and elegant monochromatic colors that create the distinctive style of this trademarked brand. 

Simplicity and optimized color make Burberry rug products suitable for any space in your home. Moreover, the polyester material and Petrorugs’ most advanced textile dyeing technology have created a durable product line with time, making the quality commensurate with the long-standing historical values ​​that this brand has built. You can completely wash and bleach many times without worrying about the durability and fading of the rug. Not only durable but the super-absorbent ability of the rug also surprises you. The underside is also optimized by Petrorugs in a moisture-proof, anti-slip design, in addition to being anti-static and non-toxic, so you can rest assured to use it. 

This is not only a suitable decorative rug for your home but also helps you save a significant amount of money in constant rug replacement because the rug is a must-have for your home.

An affordable rug of great quality defines the Burberry Rugs range. Quickly own a Burberry rug to create a luxurious style for your home and loved ones right away. Order now at Petrorugs website to receive attractive offers in the upcoming Christmas.

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