Genji Rug

Genji rugs are exquisite and timeless piece of art that can last for generations with proper care. Not only do these rugs have a beautiful aesthetic appeal, but they are also durable and versatile. Whether you own a vintage Genji rug or a modern design from Petorugs, the same basic steps should be taken to ensure its long-term preservation.

Get the Look: Genji Rugs for Any Home

Are you looking for an interior design piece that’s both affordable and stylish? Then a Genji Rug is the perfect choice for your home! A Genji rug is a traditional Japanese style of floor covering and has been around since the 1660s. The versatility of these rugs makes them ideal for any room in your home. 

These rugs come in three convenient sizes: small, medium, and large. Not only do they provide comfort underfoot but also add texture, color, and warmth to any area of your home. Whether you want to spruce up a hallway or create a cozy atmosphere in your living room, there’s sure to be one size that fits your desired look. 

Genji Rugs are available in an array of colours and patterns so they won’t clash with existing décor.

Caring for Genji Rugs: Maintenance Tips

Genji Rugs are one of the most luxurious and treasured pieces in any home. These intricate works of art from the East bring an added vibrancy to any space, and can be a stunning addition to any decor. Caring for Genji Rugs is essential for maintaining their unique beauty for many years. To ensure that your Genji Rug looks just as vibrant as the day you purchased it, here are some helpful maintenance tips: 

Firstly, if possible vacuum your rug on a weekly basis or more often if needed. This will help prevent dirt buildup which can damage the fibers of your rug over time. Secondly, be sure not to place furniture directly on top of your rug, as this can cause visible indentations and discoloration in certain areas.

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