Top 10 Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes, Ranked

Top 10 Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes, Ranked

The Call of Duty franchise has been a fan-favorite for over a decade, and its zombie modes have become a staple in the series. From the original Nacht der Untoten to the latest map in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the zombie mode has evolved and become more intricate with each installment. With so many maps and modes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to play next. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 best Call of Duty zombie modes, ranked. Whether you’re a seasoned zombie slayer or a newcomer to the mode, there’s something on this list for everyone. So grab your weapon of choice and get ready to take on the undead in these thrilling, action-packed maps.

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10 Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes, Ranked

1. Black Ops 3

For fans of the Call of Duty franchise, the Zombies mode has always been a beloved game mode. With each new release, players have been eagerly awaiting the next installment of the Zombies mode, and Black Ops 3 does not disappoint. In fact, many fans consider it to be the best Call of Duty Zombies experience to date.
Black Ops 3 - Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes
What sets Black Ops 3 apart from the rest is the variety of maps that are available. With the inclusion of the map “Shadows of Evil,” which features Jeff Goldblum and Ron Perlman among its cast of characters, the game takes players to the streets of Morg City, a fictional city based on 1940s Chicago. The map is full of secrets and Easter eggs to discover, as well as a full cast of unique zombies to fight against.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. The Primis Crew, a group of four characters introduced in Black Ops 3, has its own storyline that spans across multiple maps. From the medieval castle of “Der Eisendrache” to the futuristic city of “Zetsubou No Shima,” each map offers a unique setting and a new challenge for players to overcome.

In addition to the new maps, Zombies Chronicles also saw the release of remastered versions of fan-favorite maps from previous Call of Duty games. Players can now experience maps such as “Nacht der Untoten,” “Verruckt,” and “Kino der Toten” with updated graphics and gameplay mechanics that are exclusive to Black Ops 3.

Of course, what would a Zombies mode be without a variety of weapons and perks? Black Ops 3 has an extensive list of weapons that players can use to fight off the zombie horde, including a wide range of wonder weapons that are unique to each map. The perks available are also numerous, allowing players to customize their loadout to suit their playstyle.

But what really sets Black Ops 3 apart is the gameplay itself. Players can run, jump, and slide across the maps, making for a more fast-paced and exciting experience. The addition of minibosses and unique zombies also adds to the challenge and the fun.

Finally, each Easter egg in Black Ops 3’s Zombies mode features a unique boss that further unfolds the storyline. For fans who love the lore and the mystery behind the Zombies mode, Black Ops 3 offers a rich and complex story that is worth exploring.

2. Black Ops

Zombie modes have become a staple in the Call of Duty franchise, and Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops took it to the next level. The game was released in 2010 and quickly became one of the best-selling games of all time. The success of the game was not only due to its excellent campaign and multiplayer modes, but also because of its incredible zombie modes.
Black Ops
Black Ops featured two zombie maps upon release, which were a huge hit with fans. The first map was called Kino Der Toten, which was set in a theater and featured new zombie types, including the crawler and the nova crawler. The map also included new weapons and perks, which made it an exciting and challenging experience for players.

The second map was called Five and was set in the Pentagon. The map allowed players to play as Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, and Robert McNamara. The map also introduced new enemy types, such as the Pentagon thief and the zombie astronaut.

Black Ops also brought back some of the original zombie maps from Call of Duty: World at War, such as Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, and Shi No Numa. The updated graphics and gameplay made these maps even more enjoyable than before.

In addition to the two main zombie maps, Black Ops had a hidden game mode called Dead Ops Arcade. This mode was unlocked by typing “DOA” on the CIA computer at the title screen. Dead Ops Arcade was a top-down arcade shooter that featured zombies, silverback space gorillas, and more. This mode was a refreshing change of pace from the traditional zombie modes and added even more replay value to the game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is still considered one of the best Call of Duty games to date, and its zombie modes are a big reason why. It introduced new features, enemies, and maps that kept fans engaged and wanting more. It’s no wonder that many consider Black Ops to have the best Call of Duty zombie modes.

3. Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has taken the iconic zombies mode in a new direction, offering players a thrilling experience that will keep them hooked. With its unique features and new additions, the game has become one of the best Call Of Duty zombie modes in recent years.

One of the standout features of Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies is the ability to select your operative. Players can choose from a range of fan-favorite characters, including Rambo and Frank Woods. This collaboration adds a new level of excitement to the game, allowing players to live out their zombie-killing fantasies with their favorite heroes.

Moreover, the game offers a plethora of perks, with a new tier system for weapons and upgrades. This means that players can customize their gameplay experience to suit their style, enhancing the overall enjoyment of the game.

The guns in Black Ops Cold War feel incredibly powerful, and taking down hordes of zombies has never been more satisfying. The maps are larger than ever, thanks to the next-gen console capabilities, and the hordes of zombies are bigger than ever before. This offers a challenging and exhilarating gameplay experience that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

But the game isn’t just for seasoned players. Black Ops Cold War has made the zombies mode more accessible to new players, offering a game mode that everyone can enjoy. This is a great addition to the franchise, as it broadens the game’s appeal and makes it more inclusive.

In addition to the traditional zombies mode, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War also offers an exciting new cooperative mode called Onslaught. This 2-player experience sees players surviving against zombies and other enemies within multiplayer maps. It’s a unique and thrilling experience that adds a new level of excitement to the game, and it’s interesting to see the undead invade famous multiplayer maps in Call of Duty.

4. World At War

Call of Duty has been a staple in the first-person shooter genre for years, but it wasn’t until 2008’s release of World at War that the franchise introduced one of its most beloved game modes: Nazi Zombies. Since then, the mode has become a staple in the franchise, with each subsequent release featuring its own unique take on the undead horde. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why World at War’s Zombies mode remains one of the best Call of Duty zombie modes to date, and which other Call of Duty titles have featured zombies.
World At War - Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes
World at War’s zombie mode was a revelation for gamers when it was first released. The mode was unlike anything players had seen before, featuring endless waves of zombie enemies that grew more challenging with each level. It was a refreshing change of pace from the typical multiplayer and campaign modes that the franchise was known for. What set World at War’s zombie mode apart from other zombie games was the way it seamlessly integrated with the game’s existing mechanics. Players had to earn points by killing zombies, which they could then use to buy new weapons or unlock doors to access new areas of the map.

One of the defining features of World at War’s zombie mode was the round system. Each round brought new challenges, with the zombies getting faster and more powerful as the rounds progressed. Players had to strategize to survive, using their points to purchase better weapons and perks that would give them an advantage in battle. This round system has become a staple in all subsequent Call of Duty zombie modes, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay.

Another feature that World at War’s zombie mode introduced was the mystery box. This was a box that would randomly spawn on the map, and for a small fee, players could open it to receive a random weapon. The mystery box added an element of randomness to the game, forcing players to adapt their strategy based on the weapons they received. This feature has also become a staple in all subsequent Call of Duty zombie modes.

World at War’s zombie mode also introduced a variety of perks that players could purchase with their points. These perks would give players special abilities, such as increased speed or the ability to revive teammates more quickly. These perks added an extra layer of strategy to the game, as players had to decide which perks would be most useful for their playstyle.

5. Black Ops 2

Following the popularity of Zombies, Activision recognized the need to allocate greater resources towards the game mode, given its devoted following. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 incorporated the Multiplayer engine for Zombies, along with enhanced stat-tracking, improved leaderboards, and matchmaking based on skill level, all of which were visible to players.

Black Ops 2 had numerous captivating maps and well-known hidden surprises that players had grown accustomed to in the series. Additionally, Black Ops 2 offered outstanding highlights within the Zombies series, as well as exclusive modes specific to the Zombies gameplay.

Black Ops 2


Before Black Ops 2 launched Grief, any COD Zombies game could only allow up to four players. Grief narrowed players down to a limited area of the famous maps and created a 4v4 scenario where both teams attempted to endure the zombie attacks. Essentially, Grief was a mode that operated as a “Last Man Standing” game, where every team aimed to stay alive.

While it may not be possible for players to harm each other in a direct manner, they can still impede progress and cause grief by engaging in actions such as stealing kills, not opening doors, or using their melee or gun against others. This type of behavior can be particularly enjoyable when there are many players involved.


Black Ops 2 introduced a unique game mode called “Turned” that revolutionized COD Zombies. This exclusive game mode allows players to transform into zombies. The objective of the zombie player is to find and kill the only surviving human player. Upon killing the survivor, the victorious zombie transforms into a human. The game is a competition to see which player can eliminate the most player-controlled zombies before succumbing to death.

Playing Turned with a group of friends can be enjoyable, although it only provides a variation of Gun Game featuring zombies and lacks additional features. The game is brief and the maps are limited in size, but players can still find entertainment in Turned if they are willing to put in the effort.

6. Infinite Warfare

Infinite Warfare - Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes
Are you a fan of Call of Duty’s Zombies mode? Then you’ll definitely want to check out Infinite Warfare’s take on the beloved game mode. Infinity Ward’s version of Zombies is a departure from the typical horror themes of previous entries in the franchise, opting instead for a fun and campy vibe.

The first map in Infinite Warfare’s Zombies mode takes place in a theme park, complete with classic 80s tunes and even a cameo from David Hasselhoff. The easter egg for this map involves aliens and the devil, adding to the zaniness of the experience.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Each map in Infinite Warfare’s Zombies mode features a different genre and unique celebrity cameos. From a kung-fu journey against the undead to the inclusion of director Kevin Smith, there’s plenty to keep players engaged.

While some may miss the horror elements of past Zombies modes, Infinity Ward’s take on the game mode offers a refreshing change of pace. Plus, the team clearly had a blast creating these maps, resulting in a fun and enjoyable experience for players.

So where does Infinite Warfare’s Zombies mode rank among the best of the franchise? It’s certainly a contender, offering a unique and entertaining twist on the beloved game mode. Whether you’re a die-hard Zombies fan or just looking for a fun distraction, Infinite Warfare’s Zombies mode is worth checking out.

7. Advanced Warfare

Sledgehammer Games took the lead in developing the first Call of Duty title after the franchise’s creator, Infinity Ward, experienced internal turmoil. Advanced Warfare marked a new era for the series, experimenting with movement and gameplay mechanics more than any other COD game before it.
Advanced Warfare
One of the most significant changes in Advanced Warfare was the introduction of exo-skeletons, which gave players better versatility in jumps and running. This new movement system allowed players to quickly traverse the battlefield and engage in fast-paced combat. The zombies mode was also improved, allowing them to move more freely and making them more challenging to defeat.

The game’s campaign mode featured a talented cast of actors, including Jon Bernthal, John Malkovich, and Bruce Campbell, who provided excellent voice-acting performances. The story was engaging and kept players invested in the game’s narrative.

In terms of multiplayer, Advanced Warfare boasted a good variety of maps that catered to different playstyles. The game also introduced new weapons and equipment, providing players with fresh ways to approach matches.

Despite all these positives, Advanced Warfare did not feel like a Treyarch title. While it was an enjoyable experience, it lacked the polish and refinement that Treyarch’s Call of Duty games are known for.

But perhaps the most significant draw of Advanced Warfare was its zombies mode, which offered some of the best Call of Duty zombie modes to date. With its improved movement system, advanced weaponry, and challenging gameplay, the zombies mode in Advanced Warfare was a standout feature that kept players coming back for more.

8. World War 2

Call Of Duty fans have always had a love-hate relationship with the Zombies mode. Some love the challenge and the horror elements, while others find it frustratingly difficult. With the release of Call of Duty: World War 2, the Zombie mode has returned to its roots, and it’s safe to say that it’s one of the best COD Zombie modes to date. In this blog, we’ll be ranking the best COD Zombie modes, and why World War 2 deserves a top spot.
World War 2
The Zombies mode was first introduced in Call of Duty: World at War, and it quickly became a fan favorite. The mode was a refreshing change from the traditional multiplayer and campaign modes and offered a new level of challenge. Since then, every COD game has included a Zombies mode, with varying degrees of success. With World War 2, the Zombies mode returned to its roots and offered a truly horrifying experience.

The maps in World War 2 are some of the best in the series. They’re large and detailed, with plenty of places to explore and secrets to uncover. The zombies themselves are also incredibly well-designed. They’re grotesque and horrifying, and they’ll make your skin crawl. The addition of a star-studded cast of actors, such as David Tennant and Ving Rhames, only adds to the horror.

The gameplay in World War 2 is different enough from previous Zombies modes to remain interesting. The game introduces new mechanics and weapons that add to the challenge. However, there are also some advantages that make the game easier than others. For example, the game includes a new feature called the “casual” mode, which makes the game easier for newcomers to the series.

Despite this, World War 2 is still one of the best COD Zombie modes to date. The horror elements are top-notch, and the maps are some of the best in the series. The game also introduces new mechanics and weapons that keep the gameplay fresh. If you’re a fan of the Zombies mode, or just looking for a new challenge, Call of Duty: World War 2 is definitely worth checking out.

9. Vanguard

Call of Duty has been a household name in the gaming industry for years, thanks to its thrilling gameplay and exciting storylines. And while the franchise is known for its various game modes, the Zombies mode has always held a special place in fans’ hearts. From the original Black Ops to the more recent Cold War, the Zombies mode has always been a fan favorite for its fast-paced action and challenging gameplay. However, with the release of Call of Duty: Vanguard, the Zombies mode has left many fans disappointed.
Vanguard - Best Call Of Duty Zombie Modes
One of the biggest issues with Vanguard’s Zombies mode is the lack of content. Up until June 2022, the game mode didn’t even have the classic round-based gameplay that fans have come to know and love. And while a new map was recently released, it still pales in comparison to the vast array of maps available in previous Call of Duty titles. This lack of content has left many fans feeling underwhelmed and disappointed.

Another issue with Vanguard’s Zombies mode is the gameplay itself. While previous Zombies modes have introduced new weapons, perks, and other systems that kept players engaged, Vanguard’s gameplay feels too similar to previous iterations. This lack of innovation has left many fans feeling bored and uninterested in the game mode.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment with Vanguard’s Zombies mode is the lackluster story. The Zombies mode has always been known for its compelling lore, with each map revealing a new piece of the puzzle. However, Vanguard’s story feels uninspired and uninteresting, failing to capture the same level of intrigue as previous Zombies modes.

Despite these shortcomings, some fans still enjoy Vanguard’s Zombies mode. However, compared to other Call of Duty titles, it falls short in many areas. If you’re a fan of the Zombies mode, it’s worth revisiting some of the best Call of Duty Zombie modes, ranked by fans, to see what you might be missing out on.

10. Black Ops 4

Black Ops 4
For fans of the Call of Duty franchise, the Zombies mode is a beloved tradition. It was first introduced in Call of Duty: World at War, and since then, it has become a staple in every game’s release. However, Black Ops 4’s Zombies mode falls short in comparison to its predecessors.

One of the biggest issues with Black Ops 4 is the lack of originality in the maps. Most of them are just remakes of previous maps, which ultimately sacrifice intricate designs for larger areas. The lack of innovation in the maps is a huge letdown for fans, who were expecting something fresh and exciting.

Another issue with Black Ops 4’s Zombies mode is that the storyline is convoluted and lacks intrigue. The game features both fan-favorite characters and a new Zombie crew in an alternate timeline, but the separate stories fail to captivate the audience. The gameplay also feels stale, and it doesn’t offer much new in terms of gameplay mechanics.

One of the biggest controversies in the COD Zombies community regarding Black Ops 4 is the Gauntlet mode. While it was supposed to offer a new challenge to the typical round-based games, it ultimately falls short. If players fail to complete a challenge for each round, they earn a strike, and if they have three strikes, they are kicked out of the game. This mechanic feels punishing and frustrating, rather than challenging, and it has turned off many fans.


In conclusion, Call of Duty has offered some of the most thrilling and challenging zombie modes to its players. With each new installment, the developers have introduced new maps, weapons, and challenges, making the gameplay even more exciting. While every player may have their favorite zombie mode, the above list represents the 10 best Call of Duty zombie modes that have stood the test of time and continue to be popular among gamers. Whether you’re a casual player or a die-hard fan, these modes offer the perfect blend of action, strategy, and horror, making them a must-play for any Call of Duty enthusiast.

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