Top 6 Best Minecraft Legends Improvements To Prioritize First

Top 6 Best Minecraft Legends Improvements To Prioritize First

To achieve success in your construction projects in Minecraft Legends, enhancements play a crucial role. These enhancements, also known as upgrades, provide a wide range of benefits such as access to new resources and the ability to have more units accompanying you while building.

Don’t worry if you’re curious about the top upgrades in Minecraft Legends, because we’ve thoroughly searched the overworld to identify the most efficient choices to focus on initially.

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In Minecraft Legends, How Improvements Work?

In Minecraft Legends, players can construct structures known as “improvements” at the Well of Fate. These improvements provide access to a variety of upgrades, such as gathering new resources or enhancing building and gathering abilities. Improvements play a crucial role in enhancing the overall gameplay experience during the campaign.

While standing at the Well of Fate, you can access the songbook which displays all the upgrades that are accessible. Several upgrades will be readily available on your hotbar, but you have the option to switch between them through the songbook menu.

In Minecraft Legends, How Improvements Work

When you first make a discovery in Minecraft, you’ll receive a small amount of it for free. Moreover, as you unlock more discoveries, the resource will start appearing in the village and allay chests throughout the game world. This can be particularly useful for hard-to-find materials like redstone or diamonds, which are typically found in small quantities.

In case you alter your decision about an enhancement, you have the option to approach the structure you positioned and take it out. This will allow you to regain the precise amount of resources you expended, which is quite satisfactory.

One simple method to determine if you have adequate resources is by referring to the songbook. If the enhancements appear dull or greyed out, it indicates that something is lacking.

To clarify the meaning of “each additional improvement,” it refers to the act of enhancing the existing upgrade. This can be achieved by adding another upgrade of the same type or multiple upgrades to increase the benefits beyond the initial upgrade.

6 Best Minecraft Legends Improvements

When you finally have the opportunity to upgrade your Minecraft Legends, you may find it difficult to make decisions since resources are limited, especially prismarine, and you cannot unlock multiple features simultaneously. Therefore, it’s recommended that you follow a specific sequence of unlocking facilities. However, your preferences may differ based on your style of play.

Below are the top Minecraft Legends enhancements to prioritize initially:

1. Improvement: Allay Storage

Improvement Allay Storage
Requirements: 100 stone, 100 prismarine, 10 gold

With this enhancement, you will have the capability to transport a larger quantity of resources. This means that you will be capable of constructing additional structures and generating more mobs beyond your default capacity.

Upon installing an Allay Storage upgrade, you will be able to increase your capacity by +500 wood, +500 stone, +150 lapis, +150 prismarine, and +150 gold. Even with just one upgrade, you will notice a significant change, allowing you to focus on other necessary upgrades.

2. Improvement: Gather Coal

Requirements: 100 stone, 100 prismarine

By monitoring the campaign, you can enhance your ability to collect iron, but it’s crucial not to neglect gathering coal. Numerous locations in the overworld offer opportunities to acquire it, and you’re likely to come across them frequently.

Having a considerable quantity of coal is always beneficial, particularly since it’s the material that enables you to conjure up creepers, which can be a valuable asset due to their propensity to explode. Keep in mind that you must initially engage with the Creeper Homestead, and liberate them after they’ve been seized by Piglins.

3. Improvement: Gather Redstone

Improvement Gather Redstone
Requirements: 100 stone, 100 prismarine

Redstone is a valuable resource that can be used in various constructions, particularly in the Redstone Launcher, and it’s a worthwhile investment. Moreover, obtaining the upgrade increases the likelihood of finding redstone in chests located in swamps and alleyways.

This enhancement also enables you to call forth undead creatures. It’s important to note that to perform this action, you must initially engage with the Zombie Homestead and liberate the zombies from the Piglins that have taken over.

4. Improvement: Banner

Requirements: 100 stone, 100 prismarine, 25 gold

To recruit more mobs, it is necessary to enhance your banner first. By improving it, you can add up to 15 extra mobs that will support your hero. Furthermore, every additional enhancement made will increase the number of mobs by 15. While having one enhancement is sufficient initially, it is advisable to build more if you have enough resources available.

The naming conventions in Minecraft Legends can be perplexing, especially when it comes to banner capacity. Essentially, enlarging your banner capacity enables you to accommodate more individuals in your group or party. This, in turn, entails gathering your spawn mobs and enlisting other creatures or units as you progress. If you aspire to raise the number of mobs you can spawn, you will require the following enhancement.

5. Improvement: Flames Of Creation

Improvement Flames Of Creation
Requirements: 200 stone, 200 prismarine, 25 gold

Maximizing the number of units that support you is crucial in enhancing your ability to summon mobs simultaneously. Moreover, each supplementary improvement constructed will augment the number of mobs by four, further boosting your summoning potential.

As previously stated, this enhancement complements the banner enhancement effectively. Initially, one Flames of Creation will suffice, however, it is recommended to construct additional enhancements of similar kind for special units such as creepers, skeletons and other units.

6. Improvement: Wake The Firsts

Improvement Wake The Firsts

Requirements: 100 stone, 100 prismarine

This improvement is extremely important. After acquiring a significant collection of various resources and units, it’s satisfying to awaken the initial ones. These are golems located throughout the map that demand a substantial quantity of money to be activated.

With that being mentioned, the units in Minecraft Legends that are considered powerful occupy one slot of your banner units. In case they get defeated, you can revive them by rallying back from either the nearest village or the Well of Fate.

While Expert Carpentry can be helpful in the game, it’s not necessarily a top priority, especially at the start of the campaign. During the first few in-game days, you’ll have enough resources to defend villages against nocturnal attacks, so there’s no need to focus solely on carpentry. Additionally, the sieges won’t be too difficult to withstand during this time period.

Regarding Abundant Allays, it is recommended to prioritize building before focusing on it. Although the ability to collect more resources at once is advantageous, it is not crucial to worry about speed in the early stages of the campaign. In fact, it may be more efficient to deploy multiple gather allays in one area to expedite the process. Once they have completed their tasks, they will automatically return to you for future use.

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